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Social content strategies

Sharing insights from content on social media

Don’t forget your content after it’s published. Use these strategies to distribute your content and drive more traffic (and more conversions) for your site.


The content you publish on your site is full of awesome facts and insights. Every one of them can lead to unique social posts that draw your community closer.

This page contains two resources for distributing content on social media:

  • Content reuse template. A template for managing the social posts you create.
  • Social content reuse database. A database of narrative strategies you can use to adapt your website content for LinkedIn and Twitter.
Content reuse template

Click the button below to duplicate the template into your Google Drive

Why we created this resource

Writing social content is not everyone’s forté.

We created this guide to help busy marketers quickly generate ideas for social posts to promote your site content.

The goal is to create platform-specific content that educates, engages, and intrigues readers. You’ll do this by directly adapting material from the site content.

Hopefully, our resources can lead to more substantial social posts and a more efficient production process for your team.

What you need to get started

  • At least one piece of website content that you’re ready to promote. (A list of numerous pieces is great, too.)
  • Optional: a social media scheduling tool, like Buffer.

How the content reuse template works

We created this simple Google Docs template that you can use to adapt your site content for social posts.

(Make a copy for yourself from the link above.)


This template contains two types of “cards”: One for Twitter and one for LinkedIn.

You can duplicate the cards as many times as needed to generate more social media posts.

Social content reuse database

We’ve got a variety of narrative tactics in the database.

They’re grouped in six categories:

  • Lessons
  • Stories
  • Shout-outs
  • Quotes + stats
  • Questions
  • Post-mortem

The strategies we suggest in the database share some common fundamentals to maximize clickthroughs:

  • Content is reused in a manner that makes it seem “native” to the targeted platform
  • Emphasis is placed on the content and providing value, encouraging engagement and reshares
  • Links are deferred to the end of the content (e.g., a “finisher” tweet or a comment on LinkedIn)


Lessons learned from the content and its production

Social content strategies


Stories drawn from your own work and life – as well as the content

Social content strategies


Shout-outs for sources, collaborators, and related community.

Social content strategies

Quotes + stats

Quotes + stats from the content, its creators, and readers.

Social content strategies


Questions posed by the content and your team.

Social content strategies


Post-mortem analysis from you and your community.

Social content strategies

Step by step: Using the social content reuse template

After you create your own copy of the template, follow these directions.

Select the content to share

Start by identifying the article (or multiple articles) that you want to promote on social channels.

Select a platform and publication date

We find that Twitter and LinkedIn are the most reliable platforms for B2B brands to start gaining traction, so that’s our focus with the template.

Select a narrative strategy

Every piece of content is rich with material to intrigue, educate, and spark conversations among the people in your social media community.

Select a narrative strategy from the database below.

Draft the content

Adapt your source content to your chosen strategy. Of course, each social media platform has its own conventions, strengths, and specs for content. (More on that below.)

Finalize and publish

Submit the social drafts to your stakeholders. Once the content is approved, simply copy the posts into your social media scheduler and set them for the appropriate dates.

Tips for creating LinkedIn and Twitter content

We recommend posting to Twitter at least three to five times/week and to LinkedIn at least once or twice per week.

Of course, each social media platform has its own conventions, strengths, and specs for content.

You want to create content that will thrive within each platform. Here are some tips for doing that.

Best practices for Twitter

Compose a tweet thread consisting of at least two tweets. You can compose a thread consisting of as many tweets as you see fit, summarizing entire sections of an article in Twitter-sized doses. Create as many cells in the table as you need for thread tweets.

Tweets with images are twice as likely to be retweeted. If your article has images, include one - a screenshot or a table of statistics, for example - in the first tweet to draw additional attention.

The final tweet - the “thread finisher” - should link to the content from which the post came. Encourage readers to click through to go into greater detail on the subject.

Best practices for LinkedIn

For LinkedIn, compose your message as a single post, up to LinkedIn’s character limit of 3,000 characters.

For the link, attach it as a comment to the thread after posting. (You may have to do this manually after posting depending on the capabilities of your social media scheduler.)

A note on inspiration

This template was inspired by a social post from the great marketing strategist John Bonini. He noted that “brands need to shift from distributing links *to* the content to distributing insights/learnings *from* the content.”

He goes on to suggest 5 ways that brands can approach those insights – from behind-the-scenes stories, to open-ended conversation starters, and more – when they distribute content on social

We’ve distilled our approaches to social content distribution in a similar way for this template.

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(Having doubts? Here's a recent issue.)